Twelve days since Una's arrival and we're still hanging.
It's a love + hate situation around here but we're clinging more to love for the whole household definitely fell in love with the new addition in the family despite her being stubborn most of the time, especially in the middle of the night. I don't blame her thought, might have gotten that from me. And it excites me to discover what other things she got from my genes. Being nocturnal is one of them, noticing her sleeping pattern back in the days of her stay in Mommy's womb. While I, a nocturnal myself, being sleep deprived for the past weeks, have been wanting for sleep to visit me but no such luck. I cannot even remember the last time I slept for eight hours. I know it's unhealthy and I'm having a major migraine but I'm typing these words right now for a distraction. We still have to buy some of Una's stuff later and early this morning was a visit to my OB. The healing process is great and I can't believe I'll be able to lose those pounds I have gained during pregnancy, not that I gained that much anyway. But I still can't believe I lost 20 lbs. in a span of 12 days! Yep, from 120 lbs. to 100 lbs. I'm glad I was able to go back to my almost original weight (I was 104 lbs before pregnancy) and the task of buying new set of clothing is now off the list. All I have to do is just dig those boxes of pre-pregnancy clothes and I can happily wear them again and save extra money in the process.
If only I could keep up with Una's sleeping pattern and lose this freaking migraine, we're definitely loosing the hate word in this transition. But what's to hate when you have this adorable little version of her father sleeping on my chest now. Definitely worth all the sleep deprivation in the world!