
Freya Luna

Meet our baby girl...
Freya Luna Pascual Corbito
6 lbs. 14 oz.
48 cm.
January 14, 2009 7:59 am MNL Time
Marikina City, Philippines


  1. Hope you are doing fine Gene, congratulations!
    Incidentally, my 25 yr-old niece also gave birth to a baby girl (6.6lbs.) on Jan 12. Only just saw pics...hopefully I'll see my grandniece on Sunday ;)

  2. Thanks Mimi! I still have to get used to 2-3 hours of sleep every now and then but it's all for our baby so I can handle it. I just hope that I can fully lactate to breastfeed Una, we're on mix feeding now.

  3. Oh, she has the same birthday as my hubby! :)


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