Seriously, this is what I am feeling right now.

Went to my OB today for my monthly checkup. Finally, a weight gain, from 104 lbs last month to 109 lbs this month, woohoo! We also heard our baby's heartbeat through the Fetal Doppler. At first, the doctor was having a hard time locating my baby's heartbeat, turned out that my heartbeat is overlapping with baby's heartbeat. And I'm really glad we were able to determine which one is which. As long as I can feel my baby move inside my womb, I'm confident that the little one is safe. Thank God, my pregnancy seems to be as normal as the book, I hope. No additional tests yet and the additional vitamins will be given to me next month. I asked a lot of questions today. Purely essential stuff, like how much for normal and CS delivery, what kind of anesthesia will be used and if the baby will be in the nursery for the first hour and also mentioned that I prefer to breastfeed my baby.
No shopping for baby stuff yet. Guess, we'll have to do that after my ultrasound on my 7th month. For now, what I want are all white clothes for my baby. I'm planning to embroider them layettes to specially personalize for the little one. I remember seeing our layettes with red (unisex color)
G. Pascual embroidery on them. Yup, you got it right, my siblings and I have names starting with letter G. I don't really know why but one reason my mother told me: so that they no longer need to buy new layettes for each one of us, which makes sense. And I don't want to restrict colors to my baby, like pink for girls and blue for boys. I want to introduce colors to him/her as early as possible at the same time making the baby clothes unisex.
I'm halfway there. A couple of months to go and we will be able to see our mini-mommy (or mini-daddy.)