
Eagle Eye

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New addition to my tickets collection!

K-kun and I watched Eagle Eye yesterday in TriNoMa and it was worth all that travel! The ride in the MRT was pleasant and has some special exception because I'm pregnant. No need to go into the long lines of the South-bound station and no need to go through all the flights of stairs just to get over to the other side of the station. Whoo!

Anyway, the film is not your usual action-packed film. It's very entertaining and the stars (Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan) were able to shine on their own. I must admit that LaBeouf is not just a pretty face but a very good actor as well. He was able to convey different emotions without overdoing it. I won't talk about the movie, afraid that I might spill some spoilers. There is a minor disappointment, but don't mind me, I tend to focus on the smallest unimportant details so it might be nothing to the effect of the film. K actually enjoyed the whole film.

See for yourself, I bet it's worth your time and money.


little nudger

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24 weeks.

baby ichi (as i call him/her now) is quite a nudger. must be enjoying his/her little space, swimming around mommy's tummy. i love looking at the sudden movement of my tummy. lucky daddy was home when baby ichi started moving again. daddy placed his cheeks on the tummy when the bulge almost hit him.

5 more days before my monthly check-up. 4 more weeks before the 3d/4d ultrasound. 3 more months before christmas. a hundred and some more days before little one's arrival.

just can't help but start counting down the days. oh yes, we are that excited!


Printable tags and list pads

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Lovely prints for free from the lovely lady of A Print a Day.

Download these cute kokeshi tags and list pad in her site. Don't forget to say thanks for her generosity!


Books to Film

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I thought I'm excited for the Twilight screening on November but I just seen ET and saw their behind the scenes footage of Angels & Demons! Wow! One of my favorite books on film. Yes, Tom Hanks is still Robert Langdon. I just hope that the film won't be that much of a disappointment compared to The Da Vinci Code. Nevertheless, I'm still excited for the 2009 screening! Yay!

Here's the official trailer found in YouTube (they started filming June 2008)

And here is an impressive fan made trailer. Makes me more excited!


flick, flick, flickr

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Got this from Wifely Steps.

1. Goodnight Gennie, 2. Sbarro Chicago Supreme, 3. CIMG1894, 4. Forest Green, 5. JOHNNY DEPP, 6. coffee art, 7. Camiguin sunset, 8. coffee ice cream, 9. Lonely Planet Travel Journal, 10. Husband & Daughter, 11. Lost, 12. Cafe Pascual's

The concept:

a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste the html into your blog or Flickr stream. Or use the Mosaic Maker at fd’s Flickr Toys.

The Questions:

1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One Word to describe you.
12. Looked up your flickr name and see what pops up

tap, tap, tap

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it's raining, it's pouring...

i love it!

do you love the rain?


random 003

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started and finished reading the twilight series this week. finished reading midnight sun. preferred edward's side of the story. now i'm re-reading the whole series again. i'm guilty though. can't find all four books in the bookstore near our place so i have to give in into, ehem, other resources.

i love the books' playlist. my kind of music. wonder what will be included in the movie soundtrack?

two more months till the movie screening. can't wait!


Week 22: Belly Shot

Miquella's Christening
September 07, 2008
Dasmariñas, Cavite

K-kun and I played photographer into Miquella's Christening last Sunday. It's really nice to attend events like this so that I could get a grip on what should be done in just two months time after giving birth. As early as now, I've started planning on what invitation to be made, on what paper it should be printed, where to have it laminated, the packaging and the souvenirs. Seriously, the design process of an invitation is really difficult especially when I will be having less time thinking about it and focusing on taking care of our little one. There are a lot of great inspirations out there which makes it even more difficult to decide. It's a good thing that we could make a test run by sending baby announcements first.


random 002

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me: *laughing at a particular forum post*
k: gene (in a reprimanding tone)
me: why? (still laughing at the post)
k: mag-earphones ka nga.
me: bakit? hindi mo ba maririnig yung tawa ko kapag nag-earphones ako?
k: *snoring*

LOL! i so love k-kun!


Onli in da Pilipins

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Filipinos are known for being innovative and it's really interesting. This time, I am so proud to say that you can find this particular project Onli in da Pilipins.

Found in front of a junk shop in Dasmariñas, Cavite. Yup, that's the body of an old refrigerator used as a sidecar for the bike/pedicab. Still a work in progress, I believe. :D


random 001

Warning: You can skip this if you're not really as bored as I am.

There's an ongoing discussion in my head. I got bored making Lucky Stars so I decided to do something new.
  • went to SSS to pay my monthly contribution. it's scorching hot when we left home, rained midway then scorching hot when we reached SSS. weird.
  • SSS Marikina = great air-conditioned office. wanted to make a bed beside the teller and sleep the whole day through.
  • received discount coupons from McDonald's. really useful for k-kun.
  • SM Marikina opening day. fans + Sarah Geronimo = madness. new mall = great air-conditioning + discounts + a lot of crowd + great view outside.
  • got curious with twitter and plurk so i checked out those sites and realized that i'm handling so many online accounts already so decided against it.
  • acquired some e-books online. but i want a real book. argh!
  • see the new label below (small talk)? my version of micro-blogging. hah!


Week 21: Baby Cartoons

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Seriously, this is what I am feeling right now.

Went to my OB today for my monthly checkup. Finally, a weight gain, from 104 lbs last month to 109 lbs this month, woohoo! We also heard our baby's heartbeat through the Fetal Doppler. At first, the doctor was having a hard time locating my baby's heartbeat, turned out that my heartbeat is overlapping with baby's heartbeat. And I'm really glad we were able to determine which one is which. As long as I can feel my baby move inside my womb, I'm confident that the little one is safe. Thank God, my pregnancy seems to be as normal as the book, I hope. No additional tests yet and the additional vitamins will be given to me next month. I asked a lot of questions today. Purely essential stuff, like how much for normal and CS delivery, what kind of anesthesia will be used and if the baby will be in the nursery for the first hour and also mentioned that I prefer to breastfeed my baby.

No shopping for baby stuff yet. Guess, we'll have to do that after my ultrasound on my 7th month. For now, what I want are all white clothes for my baby. I'm planning to embroider them layettes to specially personalize for the little one. I remember seeing our layettes with red (unisex color) G. Pascual embroidery on them. Yup, you got it right, my siblings and I have names starting with letter G. I don't really know why but one reason my mother told me: so that they no longer need to buy new layettes for each one of us, which makes sense. And I don't want to restrict colors to my baby, like pink for girls and blue for boys. I want to introduce colors to him/her as early as possible at the same time making the baby clothes unisex.

I'm halfway there. A couple of months to go and we will be able to see our mini-mommy (or mini-daddy.)