In my previous Project I Will post, I committed to start saving money with a piggy bank. Honestly, it's a jar but I'm sure you know what I mean. While we are on the not-so-piggy piggy bank
topic, I'd like to share with you a conversation I had with Daddy K's cousin. As you all know, I love browsing the net in search for some cute fun stuff that are useful (or maybe even not really useful) in our everyday life. She entered the room while I was looking at a cute battery operated Itazura coin bank (see video below.)
It's so cute and so adorable so I told her to watch it too. She asked me where to get it and I said she have to buy it online. And with an incredulous voice, she said that there is no point in having that coin back in the first place if you're going to have to pay for it. She said that the money that you will save in that coin bank is not even enough to pay the said coin bank. All that coming from a 10 year old girl, smart no?
Of course, I have no plans of buying that and explained that I just love watching it because of it's cuteness. That's also the reason why I'm using a jar for our coin bank, an old mayonnaise jar if you want me to be specific.
With that said, let's go back to our topic/resolution for the week. Last year, I took a plunge into money making schemes online. I started it with monetizing my blog and joining some paid to click programs. So far, I already earned $ 19 just for this month. I say that's a lot for a start. The earnings I received only motivates me to strive harder. I planned to not touch my earnings online (except on extreme emergencies,) let's see how much I'll have in total by the end of the year.
How about you? Any recommended money making schemes that would word for stay at home moms like me?
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See more of Project I Will